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April 22, 2024

AUDIO: FULL EPISODES CH02-臺灣養豬業的最慘一「疫」—1997年豬口蹄疫

你知道嗎?臺灣曾經是全球第二大的豬肉出口國,更是日本最重要的豬肉來源地。然而在1997年,豬口蹄疫情在新竹被發現,爆發性地席捲全臺,使得臺灣養豬產業蒙受極為重大的打擊。一直到二十幾年後的今天,臺灣才真正擺脫當年口蹄疫帶來的影響,重新要把臺灣豬肉推向國際。 重要單字:smuggle、outbreak、hoof 相關書籍: T. C. Locke。⁠Barbarian at the Gate: From the American Suburbs to the Taiwanese Army⁠。 (中文版:《⁠台灣饅頭美國兵⁠》,林道明著) -- 主持人簡介: Eryk Michael Smith-ICRT南臺灣特派員,長期從事記者採編工作、聲音編輯,也會客串DJ。現居高雄,在臺灣已經居住了接近30年,認為臺灣是自己的家。 Eric Hsu(徐葆權)-彰化北斗人,從大學南漂高雄以來,人生的大部分時間都在高雄渡過。關心臺灣文史與地方文化發展,尤其是自己的兩個家鄉:北斗與高雄。 -- 關於Formosa Files中文版: Formosa Files由陳啓川文教基金會贊助,是目前全世界已知唯一用講故事的方式講述臺灣歷史的英文podcast。從2021年9月啓動以來,以英文為全球127個國家的聽眾播送臺灣的歷史故事。 但我們想🤔,既然是臺灣的故事,不應該更親近臺灣的聽眾朋友嗎? - 2024年4月,Formosa Files 中文版podcast正式啟動。我們精選Formosa Files的有趣章節,經過兩位主持人Eryk Michael Smith與Eric Hsu(徐葆權)的重新詮釋,將用中文為大家帶來課本不一定有教、你也不一定知道的精采臺灣故事! - Formosa Files Podcast 網站:www.formosafiles.com Apple:https://pse.is/5u7zzw Spotify:https://pse.is/5u829m SoundOn:https://pse.is/5u82ll Google:https://pse.is/5u84c8

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April 18, 2024

AUDIO: FULL EPISODES CH01-史上「最好」的劫機事件?-華航334航班劫機事件

「僵局」一詞定義了 1970 年代和 1980 年代初台灣與中國的關係。雙方都不想透過「官方」會談或交流承認對方的合法性,因此郵政、航班的聯繫以及兩岸相隔數十年的家人團聚等想法都難以推動。但就在 1986 年,由空軍 U2 偵察機飛行員轉任的中華航空機長王錫爵幹了一件不可思議的事——劫持自己駕駛的貨機並將其飛往廣州,也為兩岸關係帶來改變的契機。 重要單字:defect、assume。 -- 主持人簡介: Eryk Michael Smith-ICRT南臺灣特派員,長期從事記者採編工作、聲音編輯,也會客串DJ。現居高雄,在臺灣已經居住了接近30年,認為臺灣是自己的家。 Eric Hsu(徐葆權)-彰化北斗人,從大學南漂高雄以來,人生的大部分時間都在高雄渡過。關心臺灣文史與地方文化發展,尤其是自己的兩個家鄉:北斗與高雄。 -- 關於Formosa Files中文版: Formosa Files由陳啓川文教基金會贊助,是目前全世界已知唯一用講故事的方式講述臺灣歷史的英文podcast。從2021年9月啓動以來,以英文為全球127個國家的聽眾播送臺灣的歷史故事。 但我們想🤔,既然是臺灣的故事,不應該更親近臺灣的聽眾朋友嗎? - 2024年4月,Formosa Files 中文版podcast正式啟動。我們精選Formosa Files的有趣章節,經過兩位主持人Eryk Michael Smith與Eric Hsu(徐葆權)的重新詮釋,將用中文為大家帶來課本不一定有教、你也不一定知道的精采臺灣故事! - Formosa Files Podcast 網站:www.formosafiles.com Apple:https://pse.is/5u7zzw Spotify:https://pse.is/5u829m SoundOn:https://pse.is/5u82ll Google:https://pse.is/5u84c8 #formosafiles #臺灣 #歷史故事 #podcast #劫機

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April 17, 2024

We are Formosa Files #taiwan #history #podcast

Formosa Files (which began broadcasting in September 2021) is the only podcast in the world (that we are aware of) that tells the history of Taiwan (from roughly 1600 C.E. - to around 2000 C.E.) via a storytelling format in a non-chronological order, with the goal of making the stories…

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Feb. 21, 2024

The 1973 Qijin Ferry Tragedy

Check www.formosafiles.com for the whole podcast episode and other more podcasts on Taiwanese history and culture!

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Dec. 2, 2023

KAOHSIUNG CITY HALL(舊高雄市政府) - Kaohsiung History Moments by Formosa Files

Formosa Files and the FRANK CHEN FOUNDATION (陳啟川先生文教基金會) present: A Kaohsiung History Moment – KAOHSIUNG CITY HALL The old Kaohsiung City Hall, being the Kaohsiung Museum of History today, has its own history. Built by the Japanese, the city hall was not just the manifestation of colonial ruling power, but…

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Dec. 1, 2023

SAMPANS AND FERRIES(舢舨與渡輪) - Kaohsiung History Moments by Formosa Files

Formosa Files and the FRANK CHEN FOUNDATION (陳啟川先生文教基金會) present: A Kaohsiung History Moment – SAMPANS AND FERRIES Sampans was the common memory for people living in Cijin. From small two-oared boats to larger bark-like ones, these private ships had made the busiest traffic across the Kaohsiung Port in over 100…

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Nov. 30, 2023

KAOHSIUNG GOLF COURSE(高雄高爾夫球場) - Kaohsiung History Moments by Formosa Files

Formosa Files and the FRANK CHEN FOUNDATION (陳啟川先生文教基金會) present: A Kaohsiung History Moment – KAOHSIUNG GOLF COURSE Very few people know that there is a golf course beside the Cheng Ching Lake in Kaohsiung. It is the first golf course in southern Taiwan that meets international standards, and many Taiwan…

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Nov. 29, 2023

RELIGIOUS BUILDINGS(宗教建築) - Kaohsiung History Moments by Formosa Files

Formosa Files and the FRANK CHEN FOUNDATION (陳啟川先生文教基金會) present: A Kaohsiung History Moment – RELIGIOUS BUILDINGS Kaohsiung has been a land that many religions co-exist in peace. Apart from the traditional belief that blended Taoism, Buddhism, and local folklores, Christianity and even Islam are also thriving in this place. In…

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Nov. 27, 2023

Formosa Files and . . . Stinky Tofu??

The internet seems fascinated by foreigners eating stinky tofu, but the truth is: stinky tofu is fine and John and Eryk like it well enough, but it definitely is not representative of Taiwanese cuisine. In fact, you might say most night market food is sort of junk food... yummy, but…

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Nov. 27, 2023

#formosafiles and . . . #stinkytofu ?? #shorts

Check the following links for more #FormosaFiles #podcast on #stinkytofu https://www.formosafiles.com/stinky-tofu-taiwan-food/ https://www.formosafiles.com/stinky-tofu-plum-rain-press/

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Oct. 13, 2023

AUDIO: FULL EPISODES S1-E3 The Fall of Fort Zeelandia

Formosa Files and the FRANK CHEN FOUNDATION (陳啟川先生文教基金會) present: AUDIO: FULL EPISODES S1-E3 THE FALL OF FORT ZEELANDIA The Dutch put up a good fight... but a traitor seals their fate. Here's the end of the story of how the Dutch lost Taiwan. Subscribe for more Formosa Files videos. Visit…

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Oct. 13, 2023

AUDIO: FULL EPISODES S1-E1 The White Formosan

Formosa Files and the FRANK CHEN FOUNDATION (陳啟川先生文教基金會) present: AUDIO: FULL EPISODES S1-E1 THE WHITE FORMOSAN How could a "very white" European man get away with showing up in London in 1703 and claiming to be from Formosa? In this first episode of FORMOSA FILES, we look at this fascinating…

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Oct. 13, 2023

AUDIO: FULL EPISODES S1-E2 Koxinga VS. The Dutch - Round One

Formosa Files and the FRANK CHEN FOUNDATION (陳啟川先生文教基金會) present: AUDIO: FULL EPISODES S1-E2 KOXINGA VS. THE DUTCH - ROUND ONE Pirate Warlord Koxinga's successful invasion of Taiwan changed everything. Here's part one of the tale of an epic, nine-month struggle with the Dutch in Anping, modern-day Tainan. Subscribe for more…

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Oct. 13, 2023

AUDIO: FULL EPISODES S3-E21 Blockading Taiwan

Formosa Files and the FRANK CHEN FOUNDATION (陳啟川先生文教基金會) present: AUDIO: FULL EPISODES S3-E21 BLOCKADING TAIWAN China's People's Liberation Army/Navy has been practicing for a possible blockade of Taiwan with ships, planes, and drones. Formosa Files looks at the history of blockades connected to Taiwan. Plus, hear about the nastiest "ocean…

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Oct. 13, 2023


FAKE HISTORY (2023, by Paul Timings) is a generative audiovisual installation comprising the first iteration of three separate installations, all of which explore the network of machinery that moderates our experience of the world. The work is informed by narratives surrounding the history of Taiwan that have historically overlapped, competed,…

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Oct. 13, 2023

Taiwanese Spy, Murder of Century, Nixon Groveling to Mao and More from Formosa Files

In June 2023, the English-language newspaper, The Taiwan News, was kind enough to interview Eryk Michael Smith about our podcast, Formosa Files. https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4910533 We very much appreciate Keoni Everington and the Taiwan News for giving us this opportunity and invite you to check out this video. Plus, a note from…

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Sept. 8, 2023

Taiwan's Retired Air Force One (退役的臺灣「空軍一號」)

During the pandemic, Eryk took his youngest daughter to the Aviation Education Exhibition Hall, where's essentially Taiwan's Air Force Museum in Gangshan, Kaohsiung. https://goo.gl/maps/b4D8vAaHBiz3mYs97 It's a great place to visit, and has places flown to Taiwan by defectors from the PRC, plus, the retired "Air Force One" -- which can…

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Aug. 30, 2023

WALKING TOUR VIDEO: Two Johns Walk and Talk the Battle of Tamsui

Suggestion: First listen to the two-part podcast episode on which this video is based. 建議:首先聆聽以下兩部Podcast,本影片是基於這兩部Podcast製作。 Part one: https://www.formosafiles.com/s3-e19-two-johns-take-a-walking-tour-in-historic-tamsui-part-one/ Part two: https://www.formosafiles.com/s3-e20-john-groot-and-john-ross-walk-and-talk-historic-tamsui-dan-shui-part-two/ -- Check out the first “Walking Tour Video” from Formosa Files, an idea we will be improving on in the future. As many know, the port town of Tamsui…

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Aug. 30, 2023

CHENG CHING LAKE(澄清湖) - Kaohsiung History Moments by Formosa Files

Formosa Files and the FRANK CHEN FOUNDATION (陳啟川先生文教基金會) present: A Kaohsiung History Moment – CHENG CHING LAKE It’s become one of Kaohsiung’s most popular sites, and it’s not hard to understand why. Da Bei Hu (Big Clam Lake), now called Cheng Ching Lake, is an oasis of nature, just a…

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Aug. 21, 2023

HAMASEN(哈瑪星) - Kaohsiung History Moments by Formosa Files

Formosa Files and the FRANK CHEN FOUNDATION (陳啟川先生文教基金會) present: A Kaohsiung History Moment – HAMASEN Hamasen is one of the earliest developed areas in Kaohsiung and was once the most prosperous region in Kaohsiung. It can also be said that without the Kaohsiung Port, there would be no Hamasen today.…

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July 10, 2023

TRANSCRIPT VIDEO: S3-E13 The Flag of Taiwan (?)

Read and Listen TRANSCRIPT VIDEO: S3-E13 - The Flag of Taiwan (?) The flag that flies across Taiwan is the flag of the Republic of China, yet many Taiwanese (and foreigners) have come to see it as the "flag of Taiwan." Read along as we tell the story of the…

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July 10, 2023

TRANSCRIPT VIDEO: S3-E11 Steve McQueen and "The Sand Pebbles" (1966)

Read and Listen TRANSCRIPT VIDEO: S3-E11 - Steve McQueen and "The Sand Pebbles" The biggest Hollywood production filmed in Taiwan to date is the 1966 hit "The Sand Pebbles," starring the "King of Cool," Steve McQueen. But, Steve and the crew nearly lost their cool in the winter of 1965-1966…

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July 10, 2023

TRANSCRIPT VIDEO: S2-E1 The CIA vs. Made in Taiwan Nukes

Read and Listen TRANSCRIPT VIDEO: S2-E1 - The CIA vs. Made in Taiwan Nukes By the mid-1960s, the global nuclear club included the UK, the USA, the USSR, and the People's Republic of China (the PRC). Taiwan's supreme ruler Chiang Kai-shek wanted to join this club, but nuclear non-proliferation was…

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July 4, 2023


Formosa Files and the FRANK CHEN FOUNDATION (陳啟川先生文教基金會) present: THE STORY OF TURTLE ISLAND Called “Turtle Island” due to its perceived turtle-like shape, this mini volcanic island was once home to a thriving group of fisherfolk, but after the ROC arrived in 1945, its perfect location as a cross-fire position…

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